Win Up to $500 $800
By Sharing Photos of Your Makes
✨NEW Mimetics3D contest running through January 18, 2024 adds $600 in potential winnings✨
See here for details
If you’re printing it anyway, you might as well show off your beautiful handiwork!
Thangs3D holds weekly contests for makers like you who want to share photos of their makes.
The top 15 makes receive gift cards to Matterhackers/3DJake where you can pick up filament, printers, and printer accessories to fuel your passion.
The top make each week wins a $500 gift card
How do I enter?
To post a Make, head to the bottom of the model page and click “Add a Make”
You can then share a link to that make by clicking the share button in the bottom right hand corner of the image
The Makes with the most likes at the end of the weekly contest receive prizes.
Be sure to post about your Make with your share link on social media to increase visibility.
If you tag me @Mimetics3D in your post, I’ll do my best to promote your Make.
Be sure to tag @Mimetics3D on social media to enter to get your slice of the extra $600
I’m excited to see all of your wonderful prints!